Monster legends legendary
Monster legends legendary

monster legends legendary

The story sometimes has mysterious huge footprints found nearby. The boyfriend? He's dead, torn and bloody, dangling from a tree, while his hands brush the car, producing scratching noises. Police find her the next day, still hiding in the car. The girl stays inside, terrified because she hears scratching on the outside of the car. The car won't restart, or maybe they had a flat tire, and the boy gets out to investigate -but he doesn't come back.

monster legends legendary monster legends legendary

A teenage couple go parking in the woods off Proctor Valley Road, in the southeast corner of San Diego County in California. Seems like a tale told around a campfire, just right for a Hollywood B-movie. Illustration by Crypto-Researcher at en.wikipedia. Whatever is down there, it is a protected species. Mysterious photographs have been taken of unidentified lake creatures. Ogopogo is described as 20-50 feet long, with a horse-shaped head and a serpentine body. John Allison in 1872 brought the legend into the modern era, and many people have reported sightings of "something" in the water since then. First Nations accounts pinpoint the home of the monster at a cave under Squally Point near Rattlesnake Island. Native legends of N'ha-a-itk, meaning the lake monster, go way back. Several of Canada's deep lakes have monsters, but Ogopogo is the best known. Ogopogo lives in Lake Okanagan in British Columbia. And there are plenty more scary tales to tell! 1. This is part two of a list that began last week. Legendary monsters live wherever there are people to tell the tales to -including North America, where there are many more than will fit into one post.

Monster legends legendary